Combined Council of Labrador
Labrador Straits - Zone 5
Labrador Straits - Zone 5
The Labrador Straits are named for their adjacency to the Strait of Belle Isle which is named after Belle Isle.The region is very strong in tourism and has many great tourist attractions of national significance.
At all times when exploring the various regions you may click on the map to the left for an enlarged version.

Red Bay

Red Bay is home to the Basque Whaling exhibition, a national historic site.

Red Bay Heritage Group[Link]

Parks Canada[Link]


Pinware is a very small village formerly dependent on the fishing industry.The community is also well known for its adjacency to the great salmon fishing Pinware River and a provincial park and beach!

West St. Modeste

West St. Modeste is another small community located right on the highway and rich in fishing history.

Ocean View Resort[Link]

Capstan Island

Capstan Island is a very small village located right on the highway.

L'anse au Loup

L'anse au Loup is the largest community in the Labrador Straits region and the Labrador Fishermen's Union Shrimp Company is the community's largest employer.

L'anse Amour

L'anse Amour is one of Labrador's smallest villages with just three homes yet very big on amenities!The village has a highly recommended bed and breakfast, a great beach, hiking opportunities, picnic areas, a craft shop, the Point Amour Lighthouse a provincial historic site and the tallest lighthouse in Atlantic Canada, walking trails, ship wreck remains and interpretation, North America's earliest known burial site and now a rare plant interpretation project.One of the best value experiences in Labrador!

Point Amour Lighthouse[Link]

Forteau / English Point

Forteau is a growing community in the Labrador Straits with many amenities including accommodations, restaurants, the regional clinic, RCMP station, school and a number of other businesses.

L'anse au Clair

When entering Labrador through Blanc Sablon, Quebec, L'anse au Clair will be the first community you find.Well known for its lookout sites and great sandy beaches.L'anse au Clair also has one of Labrador's best hotels and an excellent dinner theatre during the tourism season.

Northern Light Inn[Link]

For a complete list of contacts for Labrador Municipalities:
Municipal Directory [info]

© 2011 Combined Councils of Labrador

3234 Lodge Bay Road
Mary's Harbour, NL, Canada   A0K 3P0

Telephone: (709) 921-6836 - Fax: (709) 921-6835
Toll Free: 1-866-895-8989

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