Combined Council of Labrador
47th Annual General Meeting
47th Annual General Meeting
the 47th Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held in Happy Valley-Goose Bay on February 6th -9th, 2019 at Hotel North Two.
Registration for AGM
To register for the Combined Councils of Labrador AGM please fax registration form to (709) 921-6835
Or mail to: 32-34 Lodge Bay Road, P.O. Box 132, Mary's Harbour, NL, A0K 3P0

Payment is due by January 25th, 2019.

Registration fees must be paid prior to the event.

Cancellations must be received by February 1st, 2019.

Resolutions for 2019 AGM
First Call for Resolutions
47th Annual General Meeting of the
Combined Councils of Labrador

The Executive Board of the Combined Councils of Labrador is now accepting resolutions for consideration at the 2019 Combined Councils of Labrador Annual General Meeting to be held in the town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador.

The Resolution Session of the Combined Councils of Labrador Annual General Meeting is a forum to address and support the concerns of member communities, at the regional level. The Resolution Session is not a forum for addressing concerns of individual councillors, therefore local resolutions are not accepted.
Agenda 2019
the 47th Annual General Meeting agenda

47th Annual General Meeting.- Final agenda Feb 3rd.docx

© 2011 Combined Councils of Labrador

3234 Lodge Bay Road
Mary's Harbour, NL, Canada   A0K 3P0

Telephone: (709) 921-6836 - Fax: (709) 921-6835
Toll Free: 1-866-895-8989

This page: 985 visits since January 10, 2019

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