Combined Council of Labrador
Labrador North - Zone 1
Nunatsiavut, Labrador (larger version)
Labrador North Coast - Zone 1
Labrador's North Coast now consists of one Innu community, and 5 Inuit Community Governments which fall under the Nunatsiavut Government.
Nunatsiavut, which is Inuit for "Our Beautiful Land". The North Coast region is very rich in aboriginal culture.

At all times when exploring the various regions you may click on the map to the right for an enlarged version.

Inuit Community Government of Nain, Nunatsiavut

Nain is Labrador's most northerly settlement with a predominantly Inuit population.Nain is a growing town and is the nearest community to the Voisey's Bay mineral deposit.It is also the administrative home of the Nunatsiavut Government.The culture and scenic bays make Nain a haven for outdoor adventurers.

Inuit Community Government of Hopedale, Nunatsiavut

Hopedale is a small community with approximately 600 resident who are predominantly Inuit. Hopedale is also the legislative home for the new Nunatsiavut Government. Hopedale is well known for its Moravian history and a staging point for some of the worlds best fishing!

Inuit Community Government of Postville, Nunatsiavut

Postville is another small Inuit village with approximately 250 people situated deep in the scenic Kaipokok Bay. Postville has a rich trapping history and during the winter season has some of the world's best groomed snowmobile trails. There is also alot of activity in the area related to logging and Uranium mining sectors.

Inuit Community Government of Makkovik, Nunatsiavut

Makkovik is another predominantly Inuit based community with rich history and home to the annual trout festival.

Inuit Community Government of Rigolet, Nunatsiavut

Rigolet is a primarly Inuit based community with its own distinct dialect of the Inukititut language. Rigolet is also home to the annual Salmon Festival.


Natuashish is the only Innu based community on the north coast of Labrador, formerly referred to as Davis Inlet or Utshimassit. Sheshatshiu, another Innu community is located in Central Labrador.The new community of Natuashish offers many opportunities to its residents.

Here are additional general internet links with relevant information on Labrador North.

Community Socio-Economic Profiles[Link]


Labrador Innu Nation[Link]

For a complete list of contacts for Labrador Municipalities:
Municipal Directory [info]

© 2011 Combined Councils of Labrador

3234 Lodge Bay Road
Mary's Harbour, NL, Canada   A0K 3P0

Telephone: (709) 921-6836 - Fax: (709) 921-6835
Toll Free: 1-866-895-8989

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