Wednesday February 23rd, 2011 Hotel North 2
Meet & Greet and Registration
7:00pm 9:00pm
7:00pm 9:00pm
Thursday February 24th, 2011 Hotel North 2
8:00 Welcome
8:15 Municipalities Newfoundland & Labrador
10:45 Nutritious Break: Sponsored by Hotel North
11:00 (Cont'd)Municipalities Newfoundland & Labrador
8:15 Municipalities Newfoundland & Labrador
- Consultation on Regional Government Initiative
10:45 Nutritious Break: Sponsored by Hotel North
11:00 (Cont'd)Municipalities Newfoundland & Labrador
- Consultation on Regional Government Initiative
12:00 Lunch: Masonic Lodge
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Robert Greenwood
1:30 Municipalities Newfoundland & Labrador
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Robert Greenwood
- Topic: Regional Policy and Development
- Sponsored by The Harris Centre
1:30 Municipalities Newfoundland & Labrador
- Topic: Community Development

3:30-5:00pm Nalcor : Lower Churchill Project
7:00 Municipality Newfoundland & Labrador Regional Meeting
9:30 Municipality Newfoundland & Labrador Social Event
- Guest Speaker: Gilbert Bennett
7:00 Municipality Newfoundland & Labrador Regional Meeting
- Waste Management Strategy Meeting
9:30 Municipality Newfoundland & Labrador Social Event
Friday February 25th 2011 Hotel North 2
8:00 Welcome
8:15 Department of Health
9:00 Combined Councils of Labrador-AGM Part I
10:30 Nutritious Break:
8:15 Department of Health
- Speaker: The Honourable Jerome Kennedy
Minister of Health
9:00 Combined Councils of Labrador-AGM Part I
10:30 Nutritious Break:
- Sponsored by CLEDB, Hyron, LSDC, SADC and NLREDA

12:00 Luncheon: Royal Canadian Legion
- Keynote Speaker:
- The Honourable Kathy Dunderdale
- Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador
- Sponsored by: Department of Labrador & Aboriginal Affairs
1:45 Department of Transportation
2:30 Fisheries
- Speaker: The Honourable Tom Hedderson
- Minister of Transportation and Works
2:30 Fisheries
- Speaker: Craig Taylor, Department of Fisheries & Aquaculture
- Speaker: Wayne King, Department of Fisheries and Oceans
- Speaker: Jim Maloney, Chief of Enforcement Inland Fish, Department of Justice
3:45 Nutritious Break:
4:00 REDB Municipal Partnerships
4:30-5:00pm Fish Producers Session:
- Sponsored by Labrador Shrimp Company
4:00 REDB Municipal Partnerships
- Speaker Ted Lomond Executive Director, Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Economic Development Association
4:30-5:00pm Fish Producers Session:
- Speaker Frank Flynn, LFUSC
- Speaker Keith Watts Torngat Fish Producers Cooperatives
7:00-10:00pm "Cultural Evening" Interpretation Centre
- North West River (transportation provided sponsored by the Town of North West River)
- Sponsored by: NunatuKavut
- Guest Speaker: The Honourable Patty Pottle
- Minister of Aboriginal Affairs
Saturday February 26th 2011 Hotel North 2
8:15 Welcome
8:30 Department of Natural Resources
8:30 Department of Natural Resources
- Speaker: TBA
9:30 Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation
10:30 Nutritious Break:
10:45 Town Hall Session
- Speaker: The Honorable Terry French
- Minister of Tourism Culture and Recreation
10:30 Nutritious Break:
- Sponsored by Woodwards Group of Companies
10:45 Town Hall Session
12:00 Lunch: Masonic Lodge - Sponsored by Aurora Energy
1:30 Climate Change: Labrador Communities Respond
- Keynote Speaker Chesley Andersen, Aurora Energy Ltd.
1:30 Climate Change: Labrador Communities Respond
- Speaker: Trevor Bell, Memorial University
3:00 Nutritious Break: Sponsored by Hotel North Two
3:15 Department of Municipal Affairs
3:15 Department of Municipal Affairs
- Speaker: The Honorable Kevin O'Brien
- Minister of Municipal Affairs

4:00 Royal Canadian Mounted Police
7:00pm Annual Banquet - Masonic Lodge
- Speaker: Inspector Smith
7:00pm Annual Banquet - Masonic Lodge
- Keynote Speaker; The Honourable John Hickey Minister of Labrador Affairs
- Sponsored by : CLIFFS