Combined Council of Labrador
Executive for 2022-2023
Every year at the annual social-economic conference and general meeting the Combined Councils of Labrador elect a board of directors to guide the organization and advocate on behalf of the communities in the respective regions of Labrador.

President - vacant until 2023 AGM

Treasurer/Secretary - Robert Boudreau, councilor of Cartwright

Labrador Strait VP - Hedley Ryland, councilor of Lance Au Loup

Southeast Labrador VP - Lana Rumbolt, Councilor at Mary's Harbour.

Labrador West VP - Kim Hartery. Councilor of Labrador City

Central Labrador VP - Hayward Broomfield, Councilor of Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

Northern Labrador VP - Elizabeth Evans Mitchell, Councilor of Makkovik.
Executive for 2018-19
Every year at the annual social-economic conference and general meeting the Combined Councils of Labrador elect a board of directors to guide the organization and advocate on behalf of the communities in the respective regions of Labrador.

President Trent O'Brien, Mayor of L'anse au Loup

Treasurer/Secretary Chad Letto, Mayor of L'Anse au Clair

Labrador Strait VP James(Jimmy) Robert, Mayor of Foreau

Southeast Labrador Harold Rumbolt, Councillor at Mary;s Harbour.

Labrador West Ron Barron, Mayor of Wabush.

Central Labrador Wally Andersen, Mayor of Happy Valley-Goose Bay.

Northern Labrador Elizabeth Evans Mitchell, Councillor at Makkovik.

I will update our web site when I receive the new VPs information.
Executive 2017-18
Every year at the annual social-economic conference and general meeting the Combined Councils of Labrador elect a board of directors to guide the organization and advocate on behalf of the communities in the respective regions of Labrador

Executive effective February 11th. 2017:

President - Trent O'Brien

Secretary/Treasurer - Councilor Sheila Chubbs, L'Anse au Claire

VP Labrador Central - Vacant
VP Labrador West - Vacant
VP Labrador Southeast - Councillor Harold Rumbolt, Mary's Harbour
VP Labrador Straits - Vacant
VP Labrador North - AngajukKâk Marjorie Flowers, Hopedale
Executive 2015-16
Every year at the annual socio-economic conference and general meeting the Combined Councils of Labrador elect a board of directors to guide the organization and advocate on behalf of the communities in the respective regions of Labrador

Executive effective June 13th 2015-16:

President - Didier Naulleau

Secretary/Treasurer - Deputy-Mayor Sheila Chubbs, L'Anse au Claire

VP Labrador Central - Mayor Ernie McLean, North West River
VP Labrador West - Councillor Clarence Rogers, Labrador City
VP Labrador Southeast - Mayor Fred Goudie, Charlottetown
VP Labrador Straits - Mayor Nath Moores, L'Anse au Claire
VP Labrador North - AngajukKâk Marjorie Flowers, Hopedale
Executive for 2014
The Executive for 2014 effective October 31st:

President - Vacant until the next Executive Meeting

VP Labrador Central - Mayor Art Williams, North West River
VP Labrador West - Councillor Rick Casmey, Labrador City
VP Labrador Southeast - Councillor Alton Rumbolt, Mary's Harbour
VP Labrador Straits - Deputy-Mayor Sheila Chubbs, L'Anse au Claire
VP Labrador North - Jim Tuttauk- Angajukkak, Hopedale
Executive for 2013
Every year at the annual socio-economic conference and general meeting the Combined Councils of Labrador elect a board of directors to guide the organization and advocate on behalf of the communities in the respective regions of Labrador.

Executive Members for 2013:

President - Tony Andersen - Angajukkak, Nain
VP Labrador Central - Vacant
VP Labrador West - Vacant
VP Labrador Southeast - Councillor Alton Rumbolt, Mary's Harbour
VP Labrador Straits - Deputy-Mayor Sheila Chubbs, L'Anse au Claire
VP Labrador North - Charlotte Wolfrey- Angajukkak, Rigolet, Alternate: Sandi Michelin, Rigolet
Executive Members for 2012
Every year at the annual socio-economic conference and general meeting the Combined Councils of Labrador elect a board of directors to guide the organization and advocate on behalf of the communities in the respective regions of Labrador.

Executive Members for 2012:

President - Councillor Arlene Michelin, Happy Valley-Goose Bay
VP Labrador Central - Councillor Ed Tuttauk, North West River
VP Labrador West - Councilor Jim Farrell, Wabush
VP Labrador Southeast - Councillor Alton Rumbolt, Mary's Harbour
VP Labrador Straits / Secretary- Treasurer - Mayor Nath Moores, L'Anse au Claire
VP Labrador North - Charlotte Wolfrey, Rigolet, Alternate: Sandi Michelin, Rigolet

Every year at the annual socio-economic conference and general meeting the Combined Councils of Labrador elect a board of directors to guide the organization and advocate on behalf of the communities in the respective regions of Labrador.

Executive Members for 2011:

President - Councilor Nick McGrath, Labrador City
VP Labrador Central - Councilor Arlene Michelin, Happy Valley-Goose Bay
VP Labrador West - Councilor Jim Farrell, Wabush
VP Labrador Southeast - Councilor Alton Rumbolt, Mary's Harbour
VP Labrador Straits / Secretary- Treasurer - Mayor Nath Moores, L'Anse au Clair
VP Labrador North – Randy Edmunds, Makkovik

Executive Members for 2010:

President - Councilor Nick McGrath, Labrador City
VP Labrador Central - Councillor Arlene Michelin Happy Valley-Goose Bay
VP Labrador West - Councilor Jim Farrell, Wabush
VP Labrador Southeast - Councilor Alton Rumbolt, Mary's Harbour
VP Labrador Straits / Secretary- Treasurer - Mayor Nath Moores, L'Anse au Clair

VP Labrador North - VACANT

Contact information for the Executive is available HERE
Executive Members for 2009:
President - Councilor Jim Farrell, Wabush
VP Labrador North - AngajukKâk Dan Michelin, Rigolet
VP Labrador Central - Mayor Ernie McLean, North West River
VP Labrador West - Councilor Nick McGrath, Labrador City
VP Labrador Southeast - Councilor Alton Rumbolt, Mary's Harbour
VP Labrador Straits / Secretary- Treasurer - Mayor Nath Moores, L'Anse au Clair

Executive Members for 2008:
President - Mayor Jim Farrell, Wabush
VP Labrador North - AngajukKâk Sarah Erickson, Nain
VP Labrador Central - Deputy Mayor Ernie McLean, North West River
VP Labrador West - Councilor Richard Hepditch, Labrador City
VP Labrador Southeast - Councilor Alton Rumbolt, Mary's Harbour
VP Labrador Straits / Secretary- Treasurer - Mayor Nath Moores, L'Anse au Clair

Executive Members for 2007:
Stanley Oliver President
Nath Moores VP Labrador Straits
Alton Rumbolt VP Labrador Southeast
AngajukKâk Sarah Erickson VP Labrador North
Ernie McLean VP Labrador Central
Jim Farrell VP Labrador West

Executive Members for 2006:
Ford Rumbolt President
Nath Moores VP Labrador Straits
Alton Rumbolt VP Labrador Southeast
AngajukKâk Sarah Erickson VP Labrador North
Arthur Williams VP Labrador Central
Jim Farrell VP Labrador West
Past Presidents
1972 Ian Strachan
In the early days of forming the Combined Councils of Labrador there was no elected president.The group of councils had an independent facilitator chair the meetings.

Listed are the facilitators at that time.
To view CCL historical photos visit our photogallery to the left.

1973 Tony Williamson
1974 Dave Lough
1975 Dave Lough
1976 Dave Lough
1977 Dave Lough
1978 Dave Lough
1979 Lloyd Daulton Happy Valley - Goose Bay
1980 No President No Designated President
1981 Bob Palliser Rigolet
1982 Dick Gauntlett Happy Valley - Goose Bay
1983 Dennis Conway Happy Valley - Goose Bay
1984 Dennis Conway Happy Valley - Goose Bay
1985 Steve Michelin Labrador City
1986 Steve Michelin Labrador City
1987 Steve Michelin Labrador City
1988 Jessie Bird Cartwright
1989 Agnes Pike West St. Modeste
1990 Tom Paddon North West River
1991 Tom Paddon North West River
1992 Tom Paddon North West River
1993 John Hickey Happy Valley - Goose Bay
1994 Neil Andersen Makkovik
1995 Joe Roberts Wabush
1996 Graham Letto Labrador City
1997 Graham Letto Labrador City
1998 Graham Letto Labrador City
1999 Graham Letto Labrador City
2000 Agnes Pike West St. Modeste
2001 Graham Letto Labrador City
2002 Ford Rumbolt Mary's Harbour
2003 Ford Rumbolt Mary's Harbour
2004 Ford Rumbolt President
2005 Ford Rumbolt President
2006 Ford Rumbolt President

© 2011 Combined Councils of Labrador

3234 Lodge Bay Road
Mary's Harbour, NL, Canada   A0K 3P0

Telephone: (709) 921-6836 - Fax: (709) 921-6835
Toll Free: 1-866-895-8989

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