Combined Council of Labrador
NunatuKavut Community Council
NunatuKavut means "Our Ancient Land." It is the territory of the Inuit of NunatuKavut, the Southern Inuit, who reside primarily in southern and central Labrador. They lived in Labrador long before Europeans set foot on North American soil. As it was in times of old, and still today, they are deeply connected to the land, sea and ice that make up NunatuKavut.
NunatuKavut Governance
The NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC) is the representative governing body for approximately 6,000 Southern Inuit. A council elected by its membership governs the organization. It is made up of Area Councillors representing each of the six regions of their territory and led by a President and Vice-President.

NCC's primary function is to ensure the land, ice and water rights and titles of its people are recognized and respected. NCC is also fully present at the grassroots level in its communities. Operated as a not-for-profit organization, NCC is responsible for a variety of programs and services. Members are provided help and support with employment, education, skills and training and many other needs.

© 2011 Combined Councils of Labrador

3234 Lodge Bay Road
Mary's Harbour, NL, Canada   A0K 3P0

Telephone: (709) 921-6836 - Fax: (709) 921-6835
Toll Free: 1-866-895-8989

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